May 27, 2024


Hello Holt Bolt Friends,

Thirty-one items of note for this week:

• Staffing Updates – Two staffing updates:

• Assistant Principal (still waiting) – The three schools adding APs interviewed six candidates a week ago and I was hoping I’d have an announcement this week, but we are still waiting to hear from district admin. Building teams made a “recommendation” but district admin make the final decision. There were three candidates I liked, so I think we’ll be happy.

• SPED Teacher (waiting for HR) – We held interviews last Thursday and I’ve submitted a candidate to HR, so we are just waiting for them to make a job offer. It was really nice that it was such a strong pool of candidates!


• Class List Review – If your grade level has not yet finished entering the Class List Google Sheet, make sure it is completed by Tuesday. Between now and June 4th, specialists, classified staff, and prior grade levels should review the class lists and share feedback with sending and receiving teams. Also, I changed the date of our time for sending and receiving teams to meet to Wednesday, June 12 because I remembered we are not to schedule meetings the week of a Grading Day. 

May 23 – June 12 –  Specialists, Classified Staff, and prior grade levels review class lists
– Spreadsheet available for staff
– Classified and licensed review lists
– Share feedback with sending & receiving teams

June 12 (W) – Sending & receiving teams do a final review of lists at Wednesday PD


• Wednesday PD: Equity & Inclusion Team – The final Equity & Inclusion Team Wednesday PD of the year is this Wednesday at 1:30 in the library.


• 24-25 Kinder Meet & Greet, WEDNESDAY @2:30 – Families with incoming kinders for next year are invited to come meet each other on Wednesday, May 29th at 2:30 on the playground. Allan will be out there to schmooze and answer questions.


• Final Book Nook, THURSDAY – Let your class know that this Thursday is the final Book Nook of the school year.


• Self-Manager Recess, FRIDAY @1:30 – We’ll hold our second Self-Manager Recess this Friday, 1:30-1:50 for Self-Managers. Send your managers down the hallway to the 2nd grade entrance door and we will have the kids responsibly walk themselves back to class down the hall after recess is over. The third and final round of applications for this year are due next week on Friday, May 31. Next year we will only do monthly Self-Manger application periods.


• Spring Benchmarking Closes, 6/3 – easyCBM Spring Benchmarking closed Monday, June 3rd, so make sure any final stragglers have completed their required benchmark assessments.


• Wednesday PD 6/5: Report Card Collaboration – In addition to the Report Card Grading Day, teachers can use this time to connect, collaborate, and prep for report cards.


• Holt Spirit Day – Tie-Dye, 6/6 – The final Spirit Day of the year is Thursday, June 6 and this time it’s Tie-Dye Day! Remind kids to wear their favorite Tie-Dye attire or just wear their Holt gear to join the fun!


• Interventionist Last Day, 6/6 – The last day for Title, ELD, and SPED groups will be Friday, June 6th.


• Fire Drill, 6/6 @1:15 – The June Fire Dill is on Thursday, June 6 at 1:15. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map


• Grading Expectations, 6/7 – Principals haven’t been sent anything new for Grading Day, so I’ll assume the expectations are the same as earlier this year:

Certified staff may work from home on this day, however they need to inform you as the building principal of their plan to work in an alternate location and how they’ll be available to their team members, if needed. Staff that have not communicated a desire to work from an alternate location will be expected to work on site. This is a working day and professional awareness is critical. Please be aware of the perception of community members if you are engaged in activities in the community instead of being at work. Classified staff need to report to the building, or use appropriate leave or trade time.


• 24-25 Holt Leadership Plan – Principals were given info about the 24-25 Leadership Plan Process. Normally schools will develop a preliminary plan in the spring and do a final approval in the fall, but downtown has acknowledged there is not enough time to do that this spring, so instead I’ll share info about the plan here and possibly at a future Staff Meeting if we have time. If you’d like a preview, linked below is the:

24-25 Holt Leadership Plan (which we’ll complete and submit to JCAC)
24-25 Leadership Plan Guidance (this is the directions on the process)
24-25 Staff Leadership Plan Slideshow (the slideshow I’ll present either this spring or fall)
EEA Memorandum of Agreement

Allocations for each school are based on the number of licensed staff and a number of schools had incorrect information, so downtown is working on fixing that, which means our amount may change. It’s currently $2,000 less than we got this year, but they were missing five licensed staff members.


• Licensed IEP/504 Time Log (2023-24) – A reminder that teachers should use the IEP/504 Time Log to request payment for up to twelve hours of additional compensation for participating in IEP or 504 meetings during planning days, prep time, or outside the workday. You’ll need to be logged onto your 4J Google Account to view the form.


• Quiet in Hallway for Testing – A reminder to keep students quiet when walking to/from lunch, recess, PE, and Music because testing is happening in the Calming Room and other rooms in the west hallways.


• Clear Tables in Commons Areas – Although folks are starting to pack things up for the end of the year, please keep tables in the common areas somewhat clear for individual and small group support and testing.


• Following Schedules – Although schedules often change with various events at the end of the year, be sure to continue to follow your regular schedule of where you are supervising or providing support. If you are pulled away from your normal schedule, be sure to communicate with those impacted if you are working outside your regular schedule.


• KITS and SEAL Info – Holt will again host KITS and SEAL this summer. Here are the details.

KITS – June 28 – Aug. 8 (MTWH, 8:00-10:00 & 12:00-2:00)
SEAL – June 24 – Aug. 9 (M-F, 8:00-2:00)

KITS – 4 classrooms
SEAL – 10 classrooms, music, gym, counselor, and office

We’ll decide at a future staff meeting which rooms will be used, but we’ll keep folks in their classroom who are teaching summer school and try to avoid people having to share their room two years in a row if possible. 


• 24-25 Report Back Dates & CalendarsEmployee Work Year Calendars for the 24-25 school year are available now. Below are a few key dates.

Elem. Principals – Wednesday, July 24
Licensed Staff – Tuesday, August 27
Classified Staff – Wednesday, August 28


• Use of Zoom – Starting next year 4J will no longer be using Zoom as a communications platform and will instead start using Google Meet to hold virtual meetings. While not as robust as the Zoom platform, there are significant cost savings with this switch.


• AVID Path Training – There is an AVID Path to Schoolwide Training this summer for any interested teachers on August 22 & 23, 2024, 8:00-3:00 at North Eugene High School. There will be extended contracts for participants. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided on both days, and the district will cover all registration costs. See the AVID Flyer for details.


• Google Drive Share Phishing Scam – I’ve heard there’s a phishing scam going around 4J where you receive a Google Drive share from someone with a 4J email, but when you open the share, it downloads a trojan to your device. The advice I heard is DO NOT open any Google Drive share you were not expecting.


• District Admin Updates – Brooke Wagner has been named Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services. Hillary Johnson will serve as Interim Communications Director. Downtown will post for a Human Resources Director, Communications Director, Assistant Superintendent of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and a School Safety and Risk Administrator. See this email for details.


• Electronics Recycling Competition Results – If you’re curious here are the Electronics Recycling Competition Results. We collected 284 pounds of electronics and came in fourth place.


• Final Walking Challenge of School Year – The final Walker Tracker Challenge of the year started Sunday, May 26 through June 1. Join the Holt Team and compare your steps with your colleagues. For this challenge only, six teams can win the $300 cash prize by finishing in first or second place for:

1. Tallying the most steps either by walking or engaging in physical activities (which can be converted to steps in the app)
2. Obtaining the highest average of steps/activities
3. Posting the most pictures related to the challenge’s theme to the Walker Tracker app dashboard.

In addition, the top eight individuals with the most steps/activities will take home an Oregon State Parks pass.


• Staff Summer Reading Picks!I love hearing what other people are reading, so send me a book recommendation you think others should read or share a book you’re hoping to read this summer. One I just got in the mail this weekend that I’m hoping to read is Bluebeard’s Castle by Anna Biller. It’s supposed to be a feminist makeover of traditional gothic fiction, but what made me want to read it is the author made a bonkers movie called The Love Witch that was a loving homage to psychedelic films of the ’60s, but with a modern feminist twist. I always have too many books I intend to read over the summer, but I’m making sure I read this one. So email, text, or tell me what you’re reading or what you think everyone else should read! I’ll share the results in my last Staff Announcements of the school year.


• 5 Super Common End-of-Year Behavior Issues (Plus How to Address Them!) – Nothing earth-shattering, but good reminders from WeAreTeachers about addressing end-of-year behaviors.


• End-of-Year Printables – WeAreTeachers shared a few different end-of-year printables I figured I’d pass along. There are Last Day Signs, Last Day Activities, Summer Reading Challenge, Classroom Awards (B&W and Color), and a Summer Reading Log Activity.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• PTO Childcare EA Help in June – Any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the June 6 PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a grading day. Let me know if you are interested.

• MySAEBRS 2-5 Student Self-Eval Closed FRIDAY – A reminder that 2nd through 5th grade students should complete the MySAEBRS self-evaluation by the end of the month. See the SAEBRS Slideshow for details.

• easyCBM Spring Benchmark Closes June 3 – The spring easyCBM Benchmark Testing Window closes June 3rd. See Debbi’s Email for details.

• Science Kit Packing & Storing – See Maggie Cline’s Email for details, but grade level teams should make note of the Materials Request Form if your team needs any materials refreshed for next school year.

• Erin’s Law & Second Step Child Safety Unit – There are still three weeks of school left, but all classroom teachers should use the Second Step Child Protection Unit for meeting the state Erin’s Law requirements. For each grade level, there are six lessons, which are to be covered at three points in the school year, with Lessons 1-4 in the fall, lesson 5 right before spring break, and lesson 6 right before summer break (within the last two weeks of school). Each grade level has their own kit, but linked here are Child Protection Unit Scans of the teacher guides if that makes things easier.


• HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHT: Dismissal – This week’s highlight from the Holt Staff Handbook, is on Dismissal, but the two main reminders from the handbook are that:

1. Full-time staff are to supervise outside and buses until the bell rings 10 minutes after dismissal.
2. Make sure that bus kids line up in their wing and wait to be led down the main hall by a staff member (not on their own).

Student dismissal

• Dismissal is at 2:25 MTHF and 1:10 on Wednesday. All students will be released as close as possible to 2:25/1:10 to maximize instructional time.
• Students and staff have assigned locations for dismissal. Each year staff will revisit who will supervise necessary areas (see map at end of document)
• Teachers who are supervising outside should escort their students to the designated area for pick up. Exit the door and wait with students in the grade levels areas. Students are to remain with teachers until family-teacher contact is made. Older siblings will meet their younger siblings at the younger sibling’s dismissal site.
• Teachers supervising bus riders have students line up in their wing and wait to be led down the main hall by a staff member.
• All staff should remain in supervision areas until 10 minutes after the dismissal bell whether or not students are still present
• Any students remaining shall be walked to the office
• If there is a change in normal dismissal procedure for a student, the office will send a green note indicating how they are getting home. Otherwise, students will follow their regular procedures set up by families at the beginning of the year. Students may only be released to parents or authorized representative of the parent listed on the student’s school file. Authorization must be done in writing or via phone call to the school. Adults picking up students during the regular school day are asked to do so through the office.


• Dismissal is at 2:25 PM. All students will be released as close to 2:25 as possible to maximize instructional time. Before the school year begins, staff will decide who is on duty and where. Students attending YMCA, Unity School, KidZone, onsite after school enrichment, or other after school care or organization should be released to their designated spot. Wednesday dismissal is 1:10.
• All staff present at the end of the day participate in dismissal supervision. In the fall, staff will be allocated an area or duty to supervise, which will be located on a school map and shared with all staff
• Teachers should escort their remaining students to grade level designated area to be picked up. Exit the door and wait in the location indicated by teams. Students are to remain with the teacher until family/teacher contact is made. Older student siblings are to meet their younger siblings at their dismissal site, by traveling through the building and exiting the same door as the younger sibling.
• If there is a change in normal dismissal procedures for students, the office will send a green note indicating how they are getting home. Otherwise, students will stick with the regular procedures set up by families at the beginning of the year. Students may be released only to parents or an authorized representative of the parents. Authorization must be in writing or via phone call to the school. Adults picking up students during the regular school day are asked to do so through the office. Office personnel will call the child’s classroom and the student will be dismissed to meet the adult in the office. Families will never come to the classroom to pick up their students. The only exception to this might be students in one of our special education programs who have made special arrangements with their case manager.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the rest of the year:

May 27 (M)
No School – Memorial Day

May 28 (T)
4th Grade Staff Room Duty
Library Last Week – Book Return Week
Artist in Residence Continues (Calming Room)
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Open (5/13 – 6/3)
Spring SAEBRS Last Week (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)

May 29 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Equity & Inclusion (Library)
2:30-3:30, 24-25 Kinder Meet & Greet (Playground)
4:00-5:00, Allan to SEAL Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

May 30 (H)
8:50-10:35, Final Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:00, Oheros 4th grade – Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
3:30-5:00, Allan to KG Smart Start (Ed Center)
5:30-7:30, Retirement Celebration / Golden Apple (formerly ACE) Awards

May 31 (F)
Spring SAEBRS Window Closes
1:30-1:50, Self-Manager Recess

June 1 (SA)
Girls on the Run 5k & Final Celebration

June 3 (M)
5th Grade Staff Room Duty
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Last Day
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

June 4 (T)
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day

June 5 (W)
Happy “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Day
Holt BIPOC Affinity Group
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Report Card Collaboration Time
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

June 6 (H)
Holt Spirit Day – Tie Dye Day!
Last Day for Title, ELD, and SPED Groups
10:00-5:30, 5th Grade Outdoor School Day
5:00-6:00, Site Council Meeting (Library)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library)

June 7 (F)
No School – Grading Day

June 10 (M)
ELD/Speech/Counselor/Library Staff Room Duty
Dynamos Store
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up

June 11 (T)
No PE or Music Classes
Field Day – Times TBA
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room

June 12 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Teams Review Class Lists

June 13 (H)
8:30-10:30, Holt Kindergarten Park Field Trip
9:00-12:20, 5th Grade Walking Field Trip to Movies
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (if needed)
6:00-7:00, Accessible Education Parent Group

June 14 (F)
Last Day for Students, 11:10 Dismissal
Last Day for Classified Staff
Grab-and-Go Lunches
-10:25 – Kinder
-10:30 – 1st
-10:35 – 2nd
-10:40 – 3rd
-10:45 – 4th
11:00-11:10, 5th Grade Clap Out
11:30-12:30, Annual End-of-Year Gathering

June 17 (M)
Last Day for Licensed Staff

June 28 – August 8
KITS at Holt, 7:30-3:30 (MTWH)

July 10 – August 15
SEAL at Holt, 7:30-3:30 (MTWHF)

July 24 (W)
Allan Reports Back (though I’m at SEAL July 1-19)

August 12 (M)
Secretaries Report Back

August 27 (T)
Licensed Staff Report Back

August 28 (H)
Classified Staff Report Back


Twelve and a half days to go!



May 20, 2024

Hello Bolts,

Sixteen items of note for this week:

• Short Staff Meeting, WEDNESDAY, 1:30-1:45 – I’m moving Thursday’s Staff Meeting to Wednesday in order to hold Interviews for our vacant SPED Teacher position for next year. I really didn’t want to push it out another week and risk losing some candidates. Linked here and on the Staff Google Drive is the short Staff Meeting Agenda. Let me know if you have any additional agenda items.


• Wednesday PD: Master Schedule Rep Meeting, 1:45-2:30 – Following the short staff meeting will be follow-up meeting for the Master Schedule Rep. Team. A hold-up at the last meeting was conflicting district guidelines for PE/Music to have K-2 or 3-5 scheduled together and placed either the morning or afternoon, but there is another Kindergarten Guideline from when kindergarten moved from half-day to full-day that kindergarten would always have PE/Music in the afternoon. Principals are scheduled to give input on this at our meeting on Monday, so we should have a final decision. Although called “guidelines” they were both made in collaboration with EEA and the expectation is buildings will follow them as “rules.” The revised timeline for the master schedule is:

Friday, April 26 – Survey Due
Monday, May 6 – Skeleton Schedule Shared
Thursday, May 9 – Feedback on Skeleton Schedule
Wednesday, May 15 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
Wednesday, May 22 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
May 22 – June 5 – Teams Fill in Schedule
Thursday, June 6 – Staff Meeting to Discuss Schedule
*3 weeks buffer after that week

Following this meeting, if we’re able to make enough satisfactory adjustment teams should meet to begin filling in the blanks, making sure you have all the content areas (adjusting the times as needed) on the 4J Master Schedule Guidance.

And again, the master schedule will never be all things to all people, but we can at least try our best to make it workable for everyone.


• Talent Show Assembly, THURSDAY @1:10 – The annual Holt Talent Show Assembly will be the afternoon of Thursday, May 23rd in the cafeteria. The assembly will start at 1:10, so please be seated and ready to go at 1:05. See the linked Assembly Map & Directions for details. 


• SPED Teacher Interviews, THURSDAY, 2:30-4:45 – Emily, Kelsey, and I will conduct interviews this Thursday, 2:30-4:45, to hire our new full-time SPED teacher for next year. Let me know if any of you would like to join the interview committee and I will email you the interview materials.


• Talent Show Evening Performance, THURSDAY @6:00 – Remind students the Talent Show Performance for families will be this Thursday at 6:00 in the cafeteria and gym. Also, Kona Ice will be at Holt an hour before the event, 5:00-6:00, if families would like some shave ice before the event.


• West African Cultural Arts Assembly, FRIDAY @1:00 – Sorry about two assemblies in a row, but this group was really difficult to schedule. The assembly will be this Friday at 1:00 in the gym, so ignore the assembly map from last week’s announcements that had it in the cafeteria. We’ll sit in our usual assembly spots. Here is the Lane Arts Webpage with info about the assembly.


• Wednesday PD: Equity & Inclusion Team 5/29 – The final Equity & Inclusion Team Wednesday PD of year will be Wednesday, May 29th at 1:30 in the library.


• 2024-25 Kinder Meet & Greet, 5/29 @2:30 – Families with incoming kinders for next year are invited to come meet each other Wednesday, May 29th at 2:30 on the playground.


• Final Book Nook, 5/30 – Let your class know that Thursday, May, 30th will be the final Book Nook of the school year.


• Erin’s Law & Second Step Child Safety Unit – There’s still four weeks of school left, but all classroom teachers should use the Second Step Child Protection Unit for meeting the state Erin’s Law requirements. For each grade level, there are six lessons, which are to be covered at three points in the school year, with Lessons 1-4 in the fall, lesson 5 right before spring break, and lesson 6 right before summer break (within the last two weeks of school). Each grade level has their own kit, but linked here are Child Protection Unit Scans of the teacher guides if that makes things easier.


• Library End of Year Dates – Holt, Howard, and Chavez Libraries are planning to follow this end-of-year schedule:

Week of May 20-24
Library Lessons
Last Week for Checkouts

Week of May 28-31
Library Lessons
Book Returns and Activities (No checkouts)

June: Library Closed/No checkouts or Library Lessons
Collecting library data and issuing use reports
Tracking down books and Sending Reports/Phone Calls
Book Repair, Re-labeling, `
Weeding and Cataloguing


• Self-Managers Round #2 – Linked here is the Round #1 Holt Self-Managers Spreadsheet. Let me know if you don’t have access to the spreadsheet and I’ll give you access to the Staff Google Drive. A few other Self-Manager Notes:

Managers Announced Monday – I’ll announce the first round of Self-Managers during Monday Morning Announcements.

Lanyards & Badges – Will be delivered to classrooms after announcements.

Group Photo – We’ll gather kids for a group photo after we pass out the lanyard and badges. 

Postcards – Postcards will be in the Staff Room for staff to sign who work with the students.

Tracking Warnings – We’re doing 3 Strikes for losing Self-Manager Badges. If a student gets a warning, track it in the Notes column on the Self Manager Spreadsheet.

Privileges – Kids can start going to lunch & specials early right away, though do not send kids out to recess ahead of time since there may not be adults out there to watch them. We’ll have the Golden Table out in the cafeteria as the “Self-Manager Table” Monday – Wednesday” and available for Golden Table Tickets Thursday & Friday. We’ll schedule a Self-Manager Recess one afternoon before the next application deadline. Teachers are welcome to add their own additional privileges.


• Science Kit Packing & Storing – See Maggie Cline’s Email for details, but grade level teams should make note of the Materials Request Form if your team needs any materials refreshed for next year school Year.


• Study shows optimal test times for students – Most teachers already know this, but now there’s science to back it up! This EdWeek Article (you’ll need an account to view it) highlights a new study that underscores the impact of proper timing on student test performance, suggesting morning assessments yield more accurate results. Research showed a slump around lunch time and in the early afternoon.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• PTO Childcare EA Help in June – Any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the June 6 PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a grading day. Let me know if you are interested.

• MySAEBRS 2-5 Student Self-Eval Due May 31 – A reminder that 2nd through 5th grades students should complete the MySAEBRS self-evaluation by the end of the month. See the SAEBRS Slideshow for details.

• easyCBM Spring Benchmark Closes June 3 – The spring easyCBM Benchmark Testing Window closes June 3rd. See Debbi’s Email for details.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

May 20 (M)
3rd Grade Staff Room Duty
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
2:30-3:30, Allan to SPED Meeting
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

May 21 (T)
8:45-12:30, KG Mount Pisgah Field Trip (Harmon/Vaughan)
9:15-10:15, 5th Grade Math Advancement Testing (C12)
2:45-3:45, Allan to 504 Meeting (Calming Room)
4:00-5:00, Allan to IEP Meeting (Emily’s Room)

May 22 (W)
7:30-8:10, Student Equity & Inclusion Meeting (Calming Room)
8:00-9:00, TAG Follow-Up Testing (Sheryl’s Room)
9:15-10:15, 5th Grade Math Advancement Testing (C12)
1:30-1:45, Staff Meeting (Library)
1:45-2:30, Master Schedule Rep. Meeting (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
2:40-4:00, Talent Show Rehearsal (Cafeteria)

May 23 (H)
7:30-9:00, Allan to 4J MAPS Meeting
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:10, Talent Show Assembly (Cafeteria)
2:30-4:45, SPED Teacher Interviews
5:00-6:00, Kona Ice Fundraiser
6:00, Talent Show (Cafeteria)

May 24 (F)
8:45-12:30, KG Mount Pisgah Field Trip (Gulewich/Seno)
1:00-2:00, West African Cultural Arts Assembly (Gym)

May 25 (SA)
Towel Day

May 27 (M)
No School – Memorial Day

May 28 (T)
4th Grade Staff Room Duty
Artist in Residence Continues (Calming Room)
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Open (5/13 – 6/3)
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)

May 29 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Equity & Inclusion (Library)
2:30-3:30, 24-25 Kinder Meet & Greet (Playground)

May 30 (H)
8:50-10:35, Final Book Nook (Cafeteria)
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
3:30-5:00, Allan to KG Smart Start (Ed Center)
5:30-7:30, Retirement Celebration / Golden Apple (formerly ACE) Awards

May 31 (F)
Spring SAEBRS Window Closes


It’s our final 5-day week of the school year!




Warned ya

♬ original sound – Devin Siebold

May 13, 2024


Hi Everyone,

Twenty-one items of note for this week:

• 24-25 Staffing Updates – Two staffing updates for next year:

• Classified SPED Staffing Update – SSD has given Holt an additional 7-hours of SPED EA time for next year, which means Tiffany is officially returning for next year and no longer displaced. It also means we were able to add 30 minutes to both Denice and Jess.

• Licensed SPED Staffing Update – Sheryl has been hired into a full-time SPED position at Willagilespie for next school year (getting to work with a dear friend over there). Holt’s Full-Time SPED Teacher Job Posting and closes Tuesday, so feel free to recruit any teacher friends you think would work well here at Holt!


• easyCBM Spring Benchmark Opens (MONDAY – June 3) – The spring easyCBM Benchmark Testing Window opens next week. See Debbi’s Email from last week for details.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, May 14 – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Wednesday PD: Master Schedule Rep Meeting – We had a few teams hoping to make some changes to the Skelton Master Schedule, so we will have reps from those teams and others come to the library this Wednesday to see if we can make adjustments. The revised timeline for the master schedule will be:

Friday, April 26 – Survey Due
Monday, May 6 – Skeleton Schedule Shared
Thursday, May 9 – Feedback on Skeleton Schedule
Wednesday, May 15 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
May 15 – 21 – Teams Fill in Schedule
Wednesday, May 22 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
Thursday, May 23 – Staff Meeting to Discuss Schedule
*3 weeks buffer after that week

Following this meeting, if we’re able to make enough satisfacory adjustment teams should meet to begin filling in the blanks, making sure you have all the content areas (adjusting the times as needed) on the 4J Master Schedule Guidance.

And again, the master schedule will never be all things to all people, but we can at least try our best to make it workable for everyone.


• 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff, THURSDAY– This Tursday at 10:30 in the Staff Room will be a, 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff.


• Allan & Kim Out THURSDAY @AP Interviews – I’ll be at the Ed Center all day doing interviews for our assistant principal. It is pool interviews with reps from WillaG and Howard also taking part. Principals were allowed to bring one staff rep and I’ve asked Kim to attend since she’ll work closely with this person, mostly likely on a daily basis. Kim will have a sub, but I will not. Principals were also told the interview committee does not make the final decision, but will be “making a recommendation to the Superintendent’s team. All decisions regarding hires and assignments of administrators are made by the Superintendent.“ Hopefully we have some good candidates!


• Self-Managers Application DUE FRIDAY – This Friday is the deadline for the second round of the Self-Manager Applications. I updated the form to ask kids for first and last names (there were a few confusing situations with nicknames and common first names last time). The timeline is:

Friday, May 17 – Applications Due
Monday, May 20 – Names Announced on Zoom
Monday, May 20 – Sign Name on Postcards (Staff Room)
Wednesday, May 22 – Postcards mailed home

• Holt Bolt, Jog-a-Thon, FRIDAY  – The Holt Bolt is on Friday, May. 17. Times will be:

Before going outside – Put on Holt Bolt shirts, fill water bottles (make sure they have names), tie shoelaces, pass out and explain QR codes, review expectations
8:20 Go out to your class’ table on hard play. Have students keep their water bottles at the table (we are not running with bottles). Shortly before the start everyone will be called over to the starting line and grades will be announced to start the race.
8:30 Running begins
9:30 Running will end and kids should go back to their tables to gather their belongings and check in with teachers quickly before getting an otter pop. (Awards will be announced later.)
Approximately 9:45 classes should be headed back inside to give volunteers time to set up for the next group.

Before going outside – Put on Holt Bolt shirts, fill water bottles (make sure they have names), tie shoelaces, pass out and explain QR codes, review expectations
10:15 Go out to your class’ table on hard play. Have students keep their water bottles at the table (we are not running with bottles). Shortly before the start everyone will be called over to the starting line and grades will be announced to start the race.
10:25 Running begins. 5th will miss library and PE/Music this year, but can take their prep by missing part of the jog-a-thon. We should have plenty of coverage.
11:25 Running will end and kids should go back to their tables to gather their belongings and check in with teachers quickly before getting an otter pop. (Awards will be announced later.)
Approximately 11:40 classes should be headed back inside. 3rd grade goes straight to lunch @ 11:40.

As we did last year:

• All morning recesses are canceled. 1st-5th teachers are welcome to take their morning break during their jog-a-thon time.
• KG and 1st lunch recesses will be in the gym. Kids should move through the hallway to the gym. K/1 teachers will pick up from the gym.
• Kinder and 1st grade lunch recess will be soft play only while things get finished and cleaned up.
• EA support will be limited during the jog-a-thon because of supervision needs.
• Kids starting on hard play, running around the building and keeping track of laps with a badge on a lanyard they’ll scan each time they finish a lap.

The PTO Emailed some updates earlier and I will keep folks updated.


• Holt Bolt Student Slideshow – If you want to get your kids pumped for the Holt Bolt, here’s the PTO Holt Bolt Slideshow Kimberly Brown went over with kids last Monday.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, 5/21 – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Wednesday PD: Master Schedule Rep Meeting 5/22 – Assuming we’re able to make the necessary improvements to the Skelton Master Schedule the prior Wednesday, Wednesday, May 22nd will be time for grade level reps to meet to share what their grade level has put onto the Skeleton Schedule.


• Talent Show Assembly, 5/23 – The annual Holt Talent Show Assembly will be the afternoon of Thursday, May 23rd in the cafeteria. The time is TBA because we need to get a better idea of how long the show will run, so stay tuned about a specific time.


• West African Cultural Arts Assembly, 5/24 @1:00 – Sorry about two assemblies in a row, but this group was really difficult to schedule. The assembly will be on Friday, May 24th at 1:00 in the gym. Linked here is the Assembly Map and Directions and here is the Lane Arts Webpage with info about the assembly.


• MySAEBRS 2-5 Student Self-Eval Due May 31 – A reminder that 2nd through 5th grades students should complete the MySAEBRS self-evaluation by the end of the month. See the SAEBRS Slideshow for details.


• District Support Staff List – It only took four years to get this, but linked here is the District Support Staff List. It’s over 150 position, though there are several admin positions I’m not seeing listed on there.


• Girls on the Run 5K, June 1 – See Heidi’s Email for details, but the Girls on the Run 5K is Saturday, June 5th, 8:00-1:00 if you’d like to join. Mark your calendar!


• Walking On Sunshine: May Walker Tracker Challenge – Speaking of running/walking, join the final Walker Tracker Challenge of the 23-24 school year and add yourself to the Holt Walker Tracker Team. See if you can usurp me or Debbi in our back-and-forth at the top!


• Carnivals-End of Year Celebrations on 4J Property – This is more for the PTO, but linked here are the 4J Requirement for End of Year Celebrations and Other Events on 4J Property. Read on if you’re curious about rules for Inflatables, Movie Nights, Food Trucks, Contracts, and Vendors. I really want to know which school brought in a mechanical bull that it needed to name that in the policy!


• District Admin Updates – 4J admins were emailed that Jenna McCulley, chief of staff and director of district communications, is leaving 4J to be vice president of public relations at Turell Group, Collina Beard, chief business officer, has moved on from 4J to pursue other opportunities, and Bernadette Adeniran, human resources administrator, has accepted a position as Multnomah ESD HR Director. The email says they are hiring a replacement for Bernadette, but there’s no mention of replacing the other two positions.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• AANHPI and Jewish Heritage Month Resources – If you didn’t look closely, there are some good resources for May’s Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month and Jewish Heritage Month on the latest Library Lowdown.

• PTO Childcare EA Help June 6 – Are any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the June 6 PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a grading day. Let me know if you are interested.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

May 13 (M)
2nd Grade Staff Room Duty
Artist in Residence Continues (Calming Room)
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Opens (5/13 – 6/3)
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
4:00-5:00, Allan to SEAL Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

May 14 (T)
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room
8:15, Allan Meeting w/BEST Admin (Office)
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

May 15 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Master Schedule Rep Meeting (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

May 16 (H)
8:00-4:00, Allan & Kim to Assistant Principal Interviews (Ed Center)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
10:30, 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff (Staff Room)

May 17 (F)
Self Managers Application Deadline

Holt Bolt, K/1/2
8:20, Go Outside
8:30-9:30, Running
9:45, Go Inside

Holt Bolt, 3/4/5
10:15 Go, Outside
10:25-11:25, Running
11:40, Go Inside 

1:00, 4th OHeros – Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
4:30, Allan to 4J BIPoC Staff Affinity Meeting

May 20 (M)
3rd Grade Staff Room Duty
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

May 21 (T)
8:45-12:30, KG Mount Pisgah Field Trip (Harmon/Vaughan)
9:15-10:15, 5th Grade Math Advancement Testing (C12)
2:45-3:45, Allan to 504 Meeting (Calming Room)
4:00-5:00, Allan to IEP Meeting (Emily’s Room)

May 22 (W)
8:00-9:00, TAG Follow-Up Testing (Sheryl’s Room)
9:15-10:15, 5th Grade Math Advancement Testing (C12)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Master Schedule Rep. Meeting (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
2:40-4:00, Talent Show Rehearsal (Cafeteria)

May 23 (H)
7:30-9:00, Allan to 4J MAPS Meeting
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:00ish, Talent Show Assembly (Cafeteria)
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)
6:00, Talent Show (Cafeteria)

May 24 (F)
8:45-12:30, KG Mount Pisgah Field Trip (Gulewich/Seno)
1:00-2:00, West African Cultural Arts Assembly (Gym)

May 25 (SA)
Towel Day

May 27 (M)
No School — Memorial Day

Did you realize there are only two full 5-day weeks left in the school year?



May 6, 2024

Hello Bolts,

Happy Staff and Teacher Appreciation Week! I count myself very lucky to work with such a fun, dedicated, and hard-working group of people. You all make me never want to leave Holt and glad to come to school each day!

Twenty-three items of note for this week:

• 0.2 Music & PE Job Postings – No candidates were selected for our 0.2 Music and PE specialist position at the Job Expo, so these position will be posted to internal and external candidates possibility this week or next.


• Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, THIS WEEK – This week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. If you’d like a preview of what the Holt PTO has planned, take a peek HERE.


• Wednesday PD: Upbeat Survey Time 5/8 – This Wednesday will be time for staff to complete the spring Upbeat Survey.


• Earthquake/Fire Drill, THURSDAY @1:15 – Thursday at 1:15 will be our second required Earthquake Drill of the year, followed by a Fire Drill. I’ll get on the PA to announce the earthquake drill, reviewing Drop, Cover, Hold, and will launch the drill by saying “EARTHQUAKE! DROP, COVER, and HOLD!” We’ll pull the alarm to signal when to evacuate the building. In a real earthquake, you could evacuate once the earthquake is over. There are many resources for teaching Drop, Cover, Hold at The Great Oregon Shakeout. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map.


• Self Manager Recess, THURSDAY @1:30 – We’ll hold a bonus Self-Manager Recess this Thursday, 1:30-1:50 for the first round of Self-Managers. Send your managers down the hallway to the 2nd grade entrance door and we will have the kids responsibly walk themselves back to class down the hall after recess is over.


• easyCBM Spring Benchmark Opens (5/13 – 6/3) – The spring easyCBM Benchmark Testing Window opens next week. See Debbi’s Email from last week for details.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, May 14 – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Wednesday PD: Master Schedule Rep Meeting 5/15 – Wednesday, May 15th will be time for grade level reps to meet to share what their grade level has put onto the Skeleton Schedule that will be sent out this week. As a repeat, the master schedule timeline will be:

Friday, April 26 – Survey Due
Monday, May 6 – Skeleton Schedule Shared
Thursday, May 9 – Feedback on Skeleton Schedule
May 9 – 14 – Teams Fill in Schedule
Wednesday, May 15 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
Wednesday, May 22 – Meet if needed
Thursday, May 23 – Staff Meeting to Discuss Schedule
*3 weeks buffer after that week


• 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff, 5/16 – Thursday, May 16th at 10:30 in the Staff Room will be a, 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff.


• Self-Managers Application Deadline, 5/17 – Friday, May 17 is the deadline for the second round of the Self-Manager Applications. I updated the form to ask kids for first and last names (there were a few confusing situations with nicknames and common first names last time). The timeline is:

Friday, May 17 – Applications Due
Monday, May 20 – Names Announced on Zoom
Monday, May 20 – Sign Name on Postcards (Staff Room)
Wednesday, May 22 – Postcards mailed home


• Holt Bolt, Jog-a-Thon, 5/17  – The Holt Bolt is on Friday, May. 17. Times will be:

Before going outside – Put on Holt Bolt shirts, fill water bottles (make sure they have names), tie shoelaces, pass out and explain QR codes, review expectations
8:20 Go out to your class’ table on hard play. Have students keep their water bottles at the table (we are not running with bottles). Shortly before the start everyone will be called over to the starting line and grades will be announced to start the race.
8:30 Running begins
9:30 Running will end and kids should go back to their tables to gather their belongings and check in with teachers quickly before getting an otter pop. (Awards will be announced later.)
Approximately 9:45 classes should be headed back inside to give volunteers time to set up for the next group.

Before going outside – Put on Holt Bolt shirts, fill water bottles (make sure they have names), tie shoelaces, pass out and explain QR codes, review expectations
10:15 Go out to your class’ table on hard play. Have students keep their water bottles at the table (we are not running with bottles). Shortly before the start everyone will be called over to the starting line and grades will be announced to start the race.
10:25 Running begins. 5th will miss library and PE/Music this year, but can take their prep by missing part of the jog-a-thon. We should have plenty of coverage.
11:25 Running will end and kids should go back to their tables to gather their belongings and check in with teachers quickly before getting an otter pop. (Awards will be announced later.)
Approximately 11:40 classes should be headed back inside. 3rd grade goes straight to lunch @ 11:40.

As we did last year:

• All morning recesses are canceled. 1st-5th teachers are welcome to take their morning break during their jog-a-thon time.
• KG and 1st lunch recesses will be in the gym. Kids should move through the hallway to the gym. K/1 teachers will pick up from the gym.
• Kinder and 1st grade lunch recess will be soft play only while things get finished and cleaned up.
• EA support will be limited during the jog-a-thon because of supervision needs.
• Kids starting on hard play, running around the building and keeping track of laps with a badge on a lanyard they’ll scan each time they finish a lap.

The PTO Emailed some updates earlier and I will keep folks updated.


• Holt Bolt Student Slideshow – If you want to get your kids pumped for the Holt Bolt, here’s the PTO Holt Bolt Slideshow Kimberly Brown went over with kids last Monday.


• Elementary Curriculum Updates – Linked here are the latest Elementary Curriculum Updates shared with principals. The main item of note about master schedules, which I pasted below as the next item, but if you’re curious, this is additional info shared with principals about Mystery Science being purchased district-wide, Math Adoption Updates, and other info.


• 4J Master Schedule Guidance Changes – Downtown made some revisions to their Instructional Minutes Master Schedule Guidance. As I said before, there is not enough time in the day to fit everything onto the schedule and we’ll have to use our professional judgment when fitting everything, but I do agree with the last sentence below that what matters most is that all the elements on the list are present in teachers’ classroom schedules.

• Block Time (instead of Flex): We are shifting the “flex block” language to “Block Time”. Our concern is “Flex Block” gives the connotation that anything can happen at that time. We are developing pacing guides that will have “blocks” of science and social studies to help teachers map out how to get those content areas in.

⁃ Science or Social Studies = 3 times per week during Block Time
⁃ Library = 1 time per week (Library might happen at another point in the daily schedule due to scheduling limitations in the library schedule, but it’s the same amount of time as Block)
⁃ Teacher Choice = 1 time per week teachers can choose how they use this time. Ideas include art, enrichment, catching up on lessons that are unfinished, community building, buddies, etc

• Number Talks + Great Body Shop: Number Talks are called out for 15 minutes daily in the minutes guidance, however it’s recommended they happen 2-3 times per week. The other two days, teachers can teach Great Body Shop health lessons. They generally take about half an hour and it’s recommended they are split into two lessons.

• Acknowledgement of Constraints: We know that as we give this guidance, it’s focused on the number of minutes and how they fit in the puzzle of the day and not how the schedule would best flow for teachers and students. At the end of the day, what matters most is that all the elements on the list are present in teachers’ classroom schedules as their regular practice.


• Teacher Appreciation at the DAC – Amber Frank, a teacher friend who’s now a realtor at Frankly Real Estate let me know that the DAC is having a teacher and nurse appreciation week this week (5/6-5/12). Teachers and healthcare providers are welcome to use the club for free ALL WEEK! You can use the gym, take classes, swim, hot tub, sauna…whatever! You just need to bring your school ID to prove employment. If you’re interested, Amber teaches spinning on Monday at 6am.


• No Riding in Wagons – I’ve had to stop kids from riding in lunch wagons before and after lunch recesses a fair amount lately, so make sure your students know this is a safety issue and not allowed.


• Monday Mailers Reminder – Make sure you are regularly sending home student work and other school communications in Monday Mailers. I heard from several parents last week they have not seen mailers in weeks. The school agreement is to send home information just on Mondays, so we train families to always look for info on that day.


• Free Bike Grant – Safe Routes to School has a grant from EEF to buy bikes for students whose bikes are stolen from school or who simply need a bike – ideally for school transportation, but that’s not a requirement. The same grant also provides u-locks and helmets to give away to students. If you know of a student in need of a bike, just fill out the linked Lock, Helmet & Replacement Bike Requests Request Form.


• AANHPI and Jewish Heritage Month Resources – If you didn’t look closely, there are some good resources for May’s Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month and Jewish Heritage Month on the latest Library Lowdown.


• 2023 Graduation Rate by Elementary School – One principal asked for the 2023 graduation rate for alumni of their school (leaving elementary school in 2015-16) and the linked Spreadsheet was shared with principals. We know that the gaps in student outcomes between the highest and lowest SES schools are larger for us than in other districts in Oregon and across the country, but it is surprising that students from one of our elementary schools could have a grad rate of 98% (6 points above the highest state grad rate in the US) while those from another have one of only 70% (6 points below the lowest state grad rate in the US). Lots of factors are in play here, but it’s fascinating data.


• District Admin Updates – Edgewood Principal Nadira Rizkallah is leaving her position as Edgewood principal to take another position in 4J to help support her family.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• PTO Childcare EA Help in June – Are any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the June 6 PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a future non-student day. Let me know if you are interested. 


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

May 6 (M)
1st Grade Staff Room Duty
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
TAG Testing Week
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
Artist in Residence Continues (Music Room)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

May 7 (T)
1:15-2:30, Mobility International USA (MIUSA) SPED Visit
2:45-3:30, PBIS/SEL Meeting (Calming Room)

May 8 (W)
Monthly Walk+Roll to School Day
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Upbeat Survey Time
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run

May 9 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:15, Earthquake & Fire Drill
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)
6:00-7:00, Accessible Education Parent Group (Library)

May 10 (F)
Kinder Transition Meetings
9:00-12:00, 4th and 5th Grade Track Meet (Sheldon Track)
4:30, Allan to Mentor Meeting (Campbell Center)

May 13 (M)
2nd Grade Staff Room Duty
Artist in Residence Continues (Calming Room)
easyCBM Spring Benchmark Opens (5/13 – 6/3)
Spring SAEBRS Window Open (May 1-31)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
4:00-5:00, Allan to SEAL Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

May 14 (T)
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room
8:15, Allan Meeting w/BEST Admin (Office)
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

May 15 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Master Schedule Rep Meeting (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

May 16 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
10:30, 403b Enrollment Help Session for Classified Staff (Staff Room)
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)

May 17 (F)
Self Managers Application Deadline

Holt Bolt, K/1/2
8:20, Go Outside
8:30-9:30, Running
9:45, Go Inside

Holt Bolt, 3/4/5
10:15 Go, Outside
10:25-11:25, Running
11:40, Go Inside

1:00, 4th Oheros – Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
4:30, Allan to 4J BIPOC Staff Affinity Meeting


Hope you all had an excellent May the 4th and celebrated with something Star Wars-related.


April 29, 2024

Hey Holt Staff,

I’m super excited (I know, it’s super sad how excited I am about this) to share that the FDA Announced last week they are allowing flavored milk in schools! They were considering banning flavored milk, which was 4J Nutrition Services’ reason for banning chocolate milk, so this may be our window of opportunity to get it back at school!

Nineteen items of note for this week:

• 24-25 Staffing Updates – Two staffing updates for next year:

• Title EA Updates – Normally I don’t share who interviews for positions, but it was kind of out there that Wendy interviewed for the vacant Title EA position Kodie is currently subbing in. Wendy decided to stay in kindergarten, which allowed us to reconfigure Title 1 EA staffing for next year, so that instead of hiring for a 6.5 hour Title EA, we are going to have two 4-hour Title EA positions, shifting some Title discretionary funds around. This means that Timmy will remain in his 4-hour position and we will have a 4-hour vacancy for next year, with Kodie continuing to sub in the 6-hour position for the remainder of the year.

• Job Expo, 0.2 PE Position – Two candidates applied for our 0.2 FTE PE position. HR has made a job offer so we are waiting to hear if the person accepts the position or not.


• Self-Managers Round #1 – Linked here is the Round #1 Holt Self-Managers Spreadsheet. Let me know if you don’t have access to the spreadsheet and I’ll give you access to the Staff Google Drive. There’s a good chance I’ve forgotten to add some folks.

A few other Self-Manager Notes:

Managers Announced Monday – I’ll announce the first round of Self-Managers during Monday Morning Announcements.

Lanyards & Badges – Will be delivered to classrooms Monday after announcements.

Group Photo – We’ll gather kids for a group photo after we pass out the lanyard and badges. Since there are so many kids this time, I’ll probably do a K-2 photo and a 3-5 photo.

Postcards – I’ll finish a postcard design Sunday and have postcards pirnted and in the Staff Room for any staff to sign if you work with the students.

Tracking Warnings – We’re doing 3 Strikes for losing Self-Manager Badges. If a student gets a warning, track it in the Notes column on the Self Manager Spreadsheet.

Privileges – Kids can start going to lunch & specials early right away, though do not send kids out to recess ahead of time since there may not be adults out there to watch them. We’ll have the Golden Table out in the cafeteria as the “Self-Manager Table” Monday – Wednesday” and available for Golden Table Tickets Thursday & Friday. We’ll schedule a Self-Manager Recess one afternoon before the next application deadline. Teachers are welcome to add their own additional privileges.


• Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule – Linked here is the Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule, which starts this week. The rotation for PE, Music, and Calming Room to host artist classes will be:

Week 1: 4/29-5/3 (Gym): Alex and Jenifer will be outside for PE, either on the fields or under the covered area, the gym will be open for the fiddle artist in residence classes.

Week 2: 5/6-5/10 (Music Room): Ashley and Tracy will be going classroom to classroom or going outside underneath the covered area for music. The music room will be available for the fiddle artist in residence classes.

Week 3: 5/13-5/17 (Calming Room): the Calming room will be available for the fiddle artist in residence classes. The calming room will be moved to TBA.


• Student Support Team (SST) Meeting TUESDAY – The May SST meeting will be on Tuesday, where the team will screen potential referrals for SPED evaluations and for SST members to do a monthly check-in on students currently in the evaluation process. Use the Request for Student / Classroom Support Form to make a referral to the team. An agenda will be emailed to teachers needing to attend the meeting.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, TUESDAY – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Wednesday PD: SAEBRS Spring Testing WEDNESDAY – The spring SAEBRS testing window is May 1-31, so we will meet at 1:30 in the library to use the Wed. PD time for a quick review of the SAEBRS protocols and winter data, and then time for K-5 teachers to input individual student assessments as we did for the winter benchmark window.


• BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly THURSDAY @9:00-9:40This Thursday at 9:00 will be the BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly on hard play. I’ll put out cones with grade level signs circling their performance area.


• Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, 5/6-10 – The week of May 6-10 is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. If you’d like a preview of what the Holt PTO has planned, take a peek HERE.


• Wednesday PD: Upbeat Survey Time 5/8 – Wednesday, May 8th will be time for staff to complete the spring Upbeat Survey.


• Earthquake/Fire Drill, 5/9 @1:15 – Thursday, May 1:15 will be our second required Earthquake Drill of the year, followed by a Fire Drill. I’ll get on the PA to announce the earthquake drill, reviewing Drop, Cover, Hold, and will launch the drill by saying “EARTHQUAKE! DROP, COVER, and HOLD!” We’ll pull the alarm to signal when to evacuate the building. In a real earthquake, you could evacuate once the earthquake is over. There are many resources for teaching Drop, Cover, Hold at The Great Oregon Shakeout. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map.


• 24-25 Master Schedule Survey Results – Linked here are the Master Schedule Survey Results. Highlight include a majority of staff prefer:

Recess – 20 min. recess with 15 min. recess Wednesdays
Assembly Time – Afternoon is preferred
Assembly Date – Fridays were preferred
Tier 3 – After Tier 1 & 2 is preferred
SSHA – Keep it at 45 or 60 min.
PBIS Friday – Staff want to start them again


• Cereal Stacks in Workrooms – I got enough cereal from Food for Lane County every classroom can take a box if you want one for your classroom.


• Mystery Science Early Bird Special – Mystery Science is pretty popular with Holt staff and is a good way to hit on a lot of science standards. For the 2024-2025 school year, there’s an early bird special pricing special ending April 30th that I’m planning to renew unless there are any teachers who disagree and think we should discuss as a staff.


• No Kids in Lunch Wagons – A reminder that students are now allowed to ride in lunch wagons. Way too easy for kids to fall and get hurt.


• Science Integration Lesson Design paid opportunity – Teachers, are you passionate about elementary science, wondering how to fit science into an overpacked school day & interested in applying an integrated approach to teaching and learning in their classroom? If so, join the Lane STEM Team for K-5 teachers. This is a 4-day paid workshop on integrating Science into our existing 4J Language Arts programs. The application closes on May 1. See the linked FLYER for details. 


• Summer Opportunities for TeachersWREN is offering paid opportunities for teachers this summer.


• District Admin Updates – Travis Sheaffer has been named principal at Kennedy Middle, Adrienne Pierce has been named Assistant Principal at North Eugene High, Denisa Taylor is retiring and Stephanie Randall has been selected to serve as Twin Oaks principal. See this email for details.


• AI Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator – AI can better education, not threaten it, if we learn some lessons from the adoption of the calculator into the classroom. I found this Scientific American Article an interesting read and reassuring that AI is not going to upend education.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• EEF Grants Due FRIDAYEEF Grants are opening now and are due May 3. EEF prioritizes grants that focus on Enrichment (ex. STEM, arts, experimental learning), Ready to Learn (ex. literacy, SEL, accessibility solutions), and Pathways (ex. CTE, SPED, TAG). The application link is not live yet, but linked here is a PDF I made of the form from earlier this year.

• PTO Childcare EA Help May & June – Are any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the May 2 and/or June 6 PTO meetings, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a future non-student day. Let me know if you are interested.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

April 29 (M)
Kindergarten Staff Room Duty
Artist in Residence Begins (Gym)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run

April 30 (T)
2:45-3:30, SST Meeting (Calming Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

May 1 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – SAEBRS Spring Testing (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

May 2 (H)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
10:45-12:45, 5th Grade Hult Center Field Trip
11:00-12:00, Allan to IDEA PD (Zoom)
2:45, Equity & Inclusion Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
4:00-9:00, ACE Awards – Tentative (Ed Center)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library)

May 3 (F)
Holt Kinder Transition Day
9:30-11:30, 5th Grade Monroe Visit
9:45-12:15, 1st Field Trips Magical Mooombah (The Shedd)

May 6 (M)
1st Grade Staff Room Duty
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
TAG Testing Week
Artist in Residence Continues (Music Room)
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem Principal Meeting (Ed Center)

May 7 (T)
1:15-2:30, Mobility International USA (MIUSA) SPED Visit
2:45-3:30, PBIS/SEL Meeting (Calming Room)

May 8 (W)
Monthly Walk+Roll to School Day
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Upbeat Survey Time
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run

May 9 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
1:15, Earthquake & Fire Drill
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)
6:00-7:00, Accessible Education Parent Group (Library)

May 10 (F)
Kinder Transition Meetings
9:00-12:00, 4th and 5th Grade Track Meet (Sheldon Track)
4:30, Allan to Mentor Meeting (Campbell Center)


Have a rad week, everyone, and thanks for dressing up for 80s Day last Friday!



April 22, 2024


Hey, Totally Rad Bolts,

Was last week a doozy or what? Drug busts, intense DHS involvement, EPD SWAT Team, 4J Safety Team visits, and the annual School Carnival. Not that it’s a competition but this week HAS to be more mellow. Though Holt has a pretty incredible team for navigating all these wild times. You all are the best and glad to be handling these crazy times with you all!

And speaking of the best, it’s Administrative Professionals’ Day this Wednesday, so a HUGE shoutout to Sharon and Keri for navigating and managing the craziness that passes through the hold office on a daily (okay, hourly) basis, and making it look effortless. I have no idea how our school would run without you!

Twenty-four items of note for this week:

• Book Fair & Library Lessons – There will be no checkout this week, but Robbie will come around to classrooms for Library Lessons. BOGO Book Fair will be open to students and families before school and after school this week, Monday through Thursday. Friday will be the Book Fair pack-up day.


• Earth Day – Holt Clean Up Day! MONDAY – Monday is Earth Day and the Student Council invites classes to help clean up the school to celebrate. See Ashley’s Email for details, but sign your class up on the linked Earth Day Clean-Up Google Sheet.


• Book Nook TUESDAY This Week & May 2 Cancelled – Some of the Book Nook Volunteers are on field trips on April 25th and the May 2nd, so they are moving this week’s Book Nook to Tuesday and canceling Book Nook for May 2nd.


• Preventative Building Inspection, TUESDAY – Risk Management is coming out to Holt Tuesday, 9:00-9:45 for a preventive building inspection. The three main areas to check for are:

• Twinkle Lights – Unless they are special models that meet fire code, they are not allowed.
• 3-D paper Decorations – Fold-out snowflakes or paper lanterns and such, which is a new rule to me, are no longer allowed. In the past, it was only if these were hanging from the ceiling or lights they would cite us, but the new rule is all combustibles (i.e. paper, cloth, etc.) need to be flush with the wall.
• 3-Feet Egress – Make sure there is no furniture blocking doors. You should have a clear path where you can easily walk while holding a yardstick.


• Administrative Professionals’ Day, WEDNESDAY – Formerly known as Secretaries’ Day, this Wednesday is Administrative Professionals’ Day, so get ready to celebrate Sharon and Keri!


• Classified Staff Meeting WEDNESDAY @1:30 – Since there is not a licensed staff Wednesday PD this week, we will hold a Classified Staff Meeting to discuss Self Managers and the 4J Behavior Matrix. I’ve also added master schedule feedback to the agenda. Let me know if you have any additional agenda items.


• Wednesday PD: Team Collaboration – We haven’t had a Wednesday without a meeting for some time, so let’s set this time aside for teams to connect and collaborate and/or take care of whatever teachers need to get done.


• Self-Manager Applications DUE FRIDAY – Round #1 of the Self-Manager Application Forms are due to me this Friday. Forms should be returned to my mailbox or desk. 


• Holt Spirit Day – 80’s Day, FRIDAY – Friday, April 26 is the monthly Holt Spirit Day and this time it’s 80s Day Day! Just wear neon, bright colors, 80’s style clothes, or wear school colors or gear!

Related, I’m thinking we need to play 80s TV and movie classics all week long in the Staff Room, starting off with Mork & Mindy on Monday. Sure it started in the 70s, but whatever. 


• Spirit Assembly FRIDAY@8:20 – The April School Spirit Assembly is on Friday, April 25th in the gym. The assembly will start at 8:20, but all classes should be in the gym by 8:15. Stay tuned for details!


• BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly FRIDAY @9:00-9:40Friday, April 25th at 9:00 (yes, following the Spirit Assembly) will be the BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly on hard play. I haven’t heard from the assembly folks what their setup will be, but I imagine we’ll be circled around their performance, so stay tuned for details.


• Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule – Linked here is the Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule, which will run for three weeks, April 29 – May 17. The location will be one week in the Music Room, one week in the Gym, and one week int the Calming Room. Ashley, Alex, and Kim are working on which week will be in each location and we’ll have that info in time for next week.


• Student Support Team (SST) Meeting 4/30 – The May SST meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30 (yes, weird), where the team will screen potential referrals for SPED evaluations and for SST members to do a monthly check-in on students currently in the evaluation process. Use the Request for Student / Classroom Support Form to make a referral to the team. An agenda will be emailed to teachers needing to attend the meeting.


• Wednesday PD: SAEBRS Spring Testing 5/1 – The spring SAEBRS testing window is May 1-31, so we will meet at 1:30 in the library to use the May 1 Wed. PD time for a quick review of the SAEBRS protocols and winter data, and then time for K-5 teachers to input individual student assessments as we did for the winter benchmark window.


• 24-25 Master Schedule Survey, Due FRIDAY – As we get ready to work on next year’s master schedule, take a moment to complete the 2024-2025 Master Schedule Survey if you’d like to weigh on some ideas being considered.


• Master Schedule Timeline – We reviewed the process for creating the master schedule at the last Staff Meeting and I’ve not attached dates to that process, which I ran by Leadership last week. Below and on the Staff Zimbra Calendar are the dates and timeline.

Friday, April 26 – Survey Due
Monday, May 6 – Skeleton Schedule Shared
Thursday, May 9 – Feedback on Skeleton Schedule
May 9 – 14 – Teams Fill in Schedule
Wednesday, May 15 – Reps Meet to Discuss Schedule
Wednesday, May 22 – Meet if needed
Thursday, May 23 – Staff Meeting to Discuss Schedule
*3 weeks buffer after that week


• Class List Process – I’ll run this by folks at the next Staff Meeting, but ran it by Leadership and think we’ll stick with last year’s process for making class lists. Below is the timeline I’ll propose and linked here is the Class List Google Sheet format we’ve used for the past two years.

May 8 (W) – Pre-List Team Meetings (Team Meetings in Library)
– Sending & Receiving Grade levels meet to share thoughts, ideas, and preferences before draft class lists are made (i.e. siblings/families preferences, etc.)
– Teams begin creating class lists on Class List Google Sheet

May 23 (T) – Deadline to complete Class Lists Google Sheet

May 23 – June 4 –  Specialists, Classified Staff, and prior grade levels review class lists
– Spreadsheet available for staff
– Classified and licensed review lists
– Share feedback with sending & Receiving Teams

June 5 (W) – Sending & receiving teams do a final review of lists at Wednesday PD


• Elementary School Calendar 2024-25 & 2025-26 – The board approved the Elementary School Calendars for the next two years and I think I’m mostly happy with them. PD/Prep Days are after winter and spring break, conferences are only two days with Wednesday as part of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and second semester grading day is now a week before the last day of school.


• Over the Edge Event – Former Holt teacher Jacque Barton emailed me to see if any staff were interested in putting together a team for CASA of Lane County’s Over the Edge Fundraising Event coming up on June 15. Folks could challenge another school to raise money to send their principal or another staff member(s) to rappel down the Hyatt at Oakway. Here is a promo video.


• 4J Process and Procedure for Assisting Students with Toileting – Principals were asked to share with staff the 4J Approved Process and Procedure for Assisting Students with Toileting. They want to make sure staff are aware of this language.


• Summer STEM Training for Elementary Teachers – The Lane STEM Team would like to announce a great summer opportunity for K5 teachers in our county: a 4-day paid workshop on ELA-Science integration. Dara Brennan, TOSA from Springfield is leading this workshop based on her successful experience in her district, and bringing it to the rest of Lane County.

When: July 15 to July 18
Where: Lane ESD
Stipend: $1200

Check out the PD Flyer and Register HERE. This application closes on May 1.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• EEF Grants Due May 3EEF Grants are opening now and are due May 3. EEF prioritizes grants that focus on Enrichment (ex. STEM, arts, experimental learning), Ready to Learn (ex. literacy, SEL, accessibility solutions), and Pathways (ex. CTE, SPED, TAG). The application link is not live yet, but linked here is a PDF I made of the form from earlier this year.

• PTO Childcare EA Help May & June – Are any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the May 2 and/or June 6 PTO meetings, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a future non-student day. Let me know if you are interested.


• District Admin Updates – The annual admin shuffle has being. Principals were emailed that the Kennedy MS principal, Laura Clark, is leaving at the end of the year for a job at Cottage Grove Middle School.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

April 22 (M)
Title Staff Room Duty
Scholastic Book Fair Open Before & After School
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
8:30, Allan to Formal Observation
9:00-10;30, Allan to 4J BAT Meeting (Zoom)
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:00-5:30, Allan to SCIP All Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

April 23 (T)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00-9:40, Preventative Safety Inspection
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, IPBS Meeting (Calming Room)

April 24 (W)
Administrative Professionals’ Day (formerly Secretaries’ Day)
8:30, Allan to Formal Observation
1:30, Classified Staff Meeting (Library)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Team Collaboration Time
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
3:00, Allan Picking Up Cereal Snacks

April 25 (H)
Scholastic Book Fair Last Day
9:05, Allan to Formal Observation
10:15-12:30, 5th Grade Hult Center Field Trip
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)

April 26 (F)
Self Managers Application Deadline
Holt Spirit Day – 80s Day!
8:20-8:40, School Spirit Assembly (Gym)
9:00-9:40, BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly (Hardplay)
10:00-10:30, Allan Meeting w/Colt Gill (Office)
2:45-3:30, Attendance Team Meeting (Office)
4:00-6:00, Allan to 4J Kidner Welcome Event (River Road)

April 29 (M)
Kindergarten Staff Room Duty
Artist in Residence Begins
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run

April 30 (T)
2:45-3:30, SST Meeting (Calming Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

May 1 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – SAEBRS Spring Testing (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

May 2 (H)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
10:45-12:45, 5th Grade Hult Center Field Trip
11:00-12:00, Allan to IDEA PD (Zoom)
2:45, Equity & Inclusion Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
4:00-9:00, ACE Awards – Tentative (Ed Center)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library)

May 3 (F)
Holt Kinder Transition Day
9:30-11:30, 5th Grade Monroe Visit
9:45-12:15, 1st Field Trips Magical Mooombah (The Shedd)


And now, enjoy some educational programming 1980s style from Mr. Wizard’s World below. :)



Call a professional next time! #mrwizardsworld #80s #genx #80sflashback #lifelessons #learning #education #80skid #generations #science #donherbert #nickelodeon #legend #family #dad #father #familytimes #brother #building

♬ original sound – SluggNetwork

April 15, 2024


Hi Everyone,

A shoutout to Emily for organizing the Accessible Education Parent Group last Thursday! I think this is going to be a great support for families of students with IEPs and 504s and is a group that’s going to grow. Thank you, Emily!

Twenty-five items of note for this week:

• Self-Managers Rollout – Staff decided at last week’s Staff Meeting to bring back Self-Managers. The plan will be:

• Teachers go over the Self-Manager Slideshow with kids

• Kids nominate themselves by filling out Self-Manager Application and get the required signatures (specialists, recess/lunch supervisors, attendance, principal, classroom teacher)
• Classroom teachers check the attributes on the form.
• Nomination forms will normally be due the first Friday of the month, but for this rollout will be due 4/26, 5/17, and 6/6
• Teachers can use the form as a teaching tool for students not qualifying for this round

I’ll leave a stack of copies of the Self-Manager Form by the mailboxes. Also, if you’re reading this on Sunday, the slideshow isn’t updated yet, but will be by Monday.

For folks not at the staff meeting, primary grades will have Junior Self-Managers, with fewer special privileges, and older grades will have regular self-managers with more special privileges, which may include:

• Purple self-manager badge and a lanyard (older grades)
• Name on announcements
• Group picture each month
• Pre-printed Postcard Home
• Walk to lunch or specials ahead of class
• Use a bathroom or drink at any time
• Library reading time
• Self-Manager Table at lunch
• Other jobs/tasks
• Possible: Inside classroom recess
• Possible: Help in Buddy Classroom
• Special Self-Manager Recess
• Self-manager salute in Assembly and/or sel-manager section

I’ll schedule a time to go over this with EAs at a later date.

Students can lose their Self-Manager status. Any major or minor referral results first in a warning. A second referral would mean losing Self-Manager privileges for a week. A third referral would mean losing their badge altogether and they would need to reapply.


• Orange Ticket Buddy Recess Reward – Kids met their Orange Ticket goal and we will reward them with an extra Buddy Recess. Calming Room staff and I will cover the 30-minute recess, but it would be great if teachers could help out in 15-minute shifts. The schedule will be:

Monday, 1:40-2:10 – 1st & 5th
Tuesday, 1:40-2:10 – 2nd & 4th
Thursday, 1:40 -2:10 – KG & 3rd


• Volunteer Appreciation Week Sign-Up – This is Volunteer Appreciation Week. Make sure you’ve brought in your treat listed on the Volunteer Treat Sign-Up Google Sheet.


• Fire Drill, TUESDAY@9:25 – I’m taking advantage of a couple classes being gone on a field trip to have our fire drill at a different time. The April Fire Dill is on TUESDAY at 9:25. 1st grade will be lined up outside already at the end of their recess and by the time the drill is over, 2nd and 3rd graders can just go straight to their 9:30 recess. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map. We’ll reschedule if we get rained out, but right now the forecast looks good.


• Fire Drill Reminder, Close Doors – Several classroom doors were left open during the last fire drill, so remember to close them this time around. Keeping the doors closed helps prevent a fire from spreading.


• Wednesday PD: 4J Behavior Matrix – We will see this Wednesday to go over the 4J Behavior Matrix. If you’d like a preview, linked here is the Holt Discipline Flowchart for Teachers, which is actually a generic district template except for slide #3 where I added some Holt specific information, the 4J Minors/Major Behavior Definitions for Staff, and for minor incidents there is the Revisiting/Strengthening Classroom Climate & Practices and Implementing Classroom-level Interventions documents. Here’s a link to the 2023-2024 Behavior Matrix (longer version) that was shared with principals and if you’re interested, here’s the Admin Behavior Matrix Slideshow that was presented to building admins. 


• Scholastic Book Fair Opens, FRIDAY– Watch for details from the PTO and Robbie about hours and preview scheduling, but the Book Fair will open on Friday, April 19th and will also be open during the School Carnival. The Book Fair will run through Thursday, April 25th.


• Sheldon Mamma Mia Performance, Friday @1:15- The Sheldon High School Drama Department will perform an abbreviated version of their current musical, Mamma Mia, on Friday at 1:15. They will perform in the cafeteria and linked here is an Assembly Map with younger grades in the front and older grades in the back.


• Holt PTO School Carnival, FRIDAY, 5:30-7:30 – The Holt PTO has been hard at work on this year’s annual School Carnival. It will be Friday, April 19th from 5:30-7:30 in the cafeteria, gym, and playground. They’ll have games, food carts, the car bash, and this year are adding a silent auction. Remind your class and get them pumped to attend!


• Earth Day – Holt Clean Up Day! 4/22 – Monday, April 22nd is Earth Day and the Student Council invites classes to help clean up the school to celebrate. See Ashley’s Email for details, but sign your class up on the linked Earth Day Clean-Up Google Sheet.


• Administrative Professionals’ Day, 4/24 – Formerly known as Secretaries’ Day, Wednesday, April 24th is Administrative Professionals’ Day, so get ready to celebrate Sharon and Keri!


• Wednesday PD: Team Collaboration – We haven’t had a Wednesday without a meeting for some time, so let’s set this time aside for teams to connect and collaborate and/or take care of whatever you need to get done.


• Holt Spirit Day – 80’s Day, 4/25 – Friday, April 26 is the monthly Holt Spirit Day and this time it’s 80s Day Day! Just wear neon, bright colors, 80’s style clothes, or wear school colors or gear!


• Spirit Assembly 4/25 @8:20 – The April School Spirit Assembly is on Friday, April 25th in the gym. The assembly will start at 8:20, but all classes should be in the gym by 8:15. Stay tuned for details!


• BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly 4/25 @9:00-9:40Friday, April 25th at 9:00 (yes, following the Spirit Assembly) will be the BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly on hard play. I haven’t heard from the assembly folks what their setup will be, but I imagine we’ll be circled around their performance, so stay tuned for details.


• 24-25 Master Schedule Survey, Due 4/26 – As we get ready to work on next year’s master schedule, take a moment to complete the 2024-2025 Master Schedule Survey if you’d like to weigh on some ideas being considered.


• Master Schedule GuidanceRelated to the above item, downtown provided updated Instructional Minutes Master Schedule Guidance for different subject areas. As with last year, there are not enough minutes in the day to meet the suggested minutes, which are also missing a time for Tier 3 math and the PE BEPA time, so again, this is merely a suggestion for grade levels to follow. I’ll put this on a future Staff Meeting agenda to review a couple of pieces on here that teams may want to consider.


• Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule – Linked here is the Fiddle Artist in Residence Schedule, which will run from April 29 – May 17. Let me or Lesli know if you spot any conflicts.


• SAEBRS Spring Testing Window, May 1-31 – A reminder that we have the SAEBRS spring testing window coming up May 1 – 31, so I will schedule a future Wednesday PD to give teachers time to complete the teacher portion of the assessment. See the previously shared SAEBRS Slideshow if you want a refresher ahead of time.


• PTO Childcare EA Help May & June – Are any EAs interested in helping with childcare at the May 2 and/or June 6 PTO meetings, 5:30-7:30? The PTO will pay extended contract or I can offer trade time if you’d rather bank some hours for a future non-student day. Let me know if you are interested.


• Volunteers for District-Wide Kindergarten Event 4/26 – Principals were asked to forward an email to classified staff to recruit volunteers to assist with this second annual district-wide Kindergarten event on April 26th.


• SSD April Newsletter – If you’re interested here is the April SSD Newsletter. Topics include ESY, manifestation determinations, and timelines. The SSD Newsletter Archives has all prior newsletters.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• EEF Grants Due May 3EEF Grants are opening now and are due May 3. EEF prioritizes grants that focus on Enrichment (ex. STEM, arts, experimental learning), Ready to Learn (ex. literacy, SEL, accessibility solutions), and Pathways (ex. CTE, SPED, TAG). The application link is not live yet, but linked here is a PDF I made of the form from earlier this year.


• Meeting Students’ Needs for Emotional Support – A new survey finds that a large percentage of students don’t feel that they have an adult to turn to at school when they’re troubled. See this Edutopia Article for details, but try to be that person kids feel comfortable going to. They suggest seeing if your students are ready and willing to talk by asking these questions:

“Have you talked to anyone about what’s bothering you?”
“Do you want to talk to somebody about this?”
“Whom can you talk to about this?”
“When do you plan to talk to them about this?”

Asking these questions helps ensure that an action plan can be put in place.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

April 15 (M)
Office/PE/Music Staff Room Duty
Volunteer Appreciation Week
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
2:40, Talent Show Auditions (Reich’s Room)
3:30-5:00, Allan to All Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

April 16 (T)
9:00-1:00, 4th UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History, Reich & Longoria
9:25, Fire Drill
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:40, Talent Show Auditions (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

April 17 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – 4J Behavior Matrix (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

April 18 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00-1:00, 4th UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History, Benavides & Cobb
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
5:30-6:45, Kinder Reading Night (Classes & Cafeteria)

April 19 (F)
Scholastic Book Fair Opens
1:15 (tentative), Sheldon Mamma Mia Assembly/Performance (Cafetorium)
5:30-7:30, School Carnival (Gym, Cafeteria, Playground)

April 22 (M)
Title Staff Room Duty
Scholastic Book Fair Continues
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
8:30, Allan to Formal Observation
9:00-10;30, Allan to 4J BAT Meeting (Zoom)
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:00-5:00, Allan to SCIP All Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

April 23 (T)
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, IPBS Meeting (Calming Room)

April 24 (W)
Administrative Professionals’ Day (formerly Secretaries’ Day)
8:30, Allan to Formal Observation
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Team Collaboration Time
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

April 25 (H)
Scholastic Book Fair Ends
9:05, Allan to Formal Observation
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
10:15-12:30, 5th Grade Hult Center Field Trip
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)

April 26 (F)
Self-Managers Application Deadline
Holt Spirit Day – 80s Day!
8:20-8:40, School Spirit Assembly (Gym)
9:00-9:40, BMX Anti-Bullying Assembly (Hardplay)


And if you didn’t catch it already, check out this year’s hype video for state testing! Thank you to everyone who participated in the video and thank you to Ashley for putting it together!



April 8, 2024


Greetings Bolts,

A few shoutouts. First to Holt’s Golden Apple Nominees, Caitlin, Sheryl, Katie G., and me. There are, of course, many many talented and deserving staff members, but thank you all for making Holt a special place and for making us look good!

And a second shoutout, just last Friday I learned that Tuesday, April 9th is Library Worker’s Day, so a shoutout to Robbie for all his work keeping the Holt Library Running and being part of 4J’s pilot of full-time licensed librarians in elementary schools! Thank you, Robbie!

Twenty-six items of note for this week:

• Electronics Recycling Competition Drop-Off Week – Remind students about the annual BRING Recycling Electronics Recycling Competition.Anything with a plug or that takes batteries can be dropped off at Holt this week. The school with the most “e-waste” collected wins a $500 gift certificate and a Next Step Robot made by a local artist.


• Solar Eclipse MONDAY at 10:30 – We get a rare opportunity to observe a solar eclipse (it’s actually a partial eclipse) during school hours on Monday, April 8, starting at 10:30, peaking at 11:20 or 11:30, and ending at 12:15. Linked here are Directions for Making a Solar Eclipse Viewer and some notes about Eye Safety During an Eclipse. We’ll have recess as normal and I’ll remind student on Monday announcement “Don’t stare at the sun!” and also put a note in the Quick News, but also remind your kids the dangers of staring at the sun. 

There’s also the Great North American Eclipse 2024 eBook highlighted in the most recent Library Connection


• Data Team Meeting K-5, TUESDAY – We’ll hold grade level Data Team Meetings this day with roving subs. See Carla’s Email for details, but the schedule will be:

8:10-8:40 – 4th
8:50-9:20 – 2nd
9:40-10:10 – 5th
10:20-10:50 – 1st
11:00-11:30 – 3rd
11:40-12:10 – K


• Wednesday PD: Science OSAS & Accommodations – Wednesday at 1:30 in the library we’ll review the Science standards and assessment, as well as go over how to input student accommodations into TIDE.


• ​Holt Night Out, Bangers & Brews, WEDNESDAY, 3:00-8:00 – Wednesday, April 10th is a Holt Night Out at Bangers & Brews! ​Remind kids to stop by Bangers & Brews at 2506 Willakenzie Road, across from Sheldon High School, between 5:00-8:00 pm, and just mention Holt when ordering for our school to get a percentage of all sales.


• Accessible Education Parent Group, THURSDAY @5:30 – Emily and Carla have started up an Accessible Education Parent Group to give families of student with IEPs voice and support, which will meet for the first time on April 11 at 5:30 in the library.


• Midterm Grading Day, FRIDAY – This is a non-student day and the expectation from downtown is staff are to report to the building and be available to colleagues on this day. For classroom teachers, 3.75 hours is dedicated to ELA planning and 3.75 hours is for “Strategic Family Outreach.” Downtown hasn’t given guidance on what this outreach is supposed to be, but I’d suggest using this time to call, email, or text families you need to connect with for various reasons; improvements, progress and/or struggles with attendance, academics, behavior, relationships, etc.

There’s no expectation you’re reaching out to all families, but target parents of a few key students you work with. Principals last week brainstormed a few ideas:

• Positive postcards home
• Positive phone calls
• Phone calls about attendance
• Make phone calls or have meetings
• SEAL Phone Call Invitation for Summer School w/registration link email to follow
• Have meetings with families who have struggling students
• Tier 2 and 3 behavior


• EA Assistance FRIDAY Sign-Up – There is the optional EA Pathways PD, but for any EAs working int he building , add your name to the EA Assistance Spreadsheet. Teachers add anything you can use help with.


• Volunteer Appreciation Week Sign-Up – The week of April 15 is Volunteer Appreciation Week. If you haven’t already, talk with your team and sign up to bring some treats or snack on the Volunteer Treat Sign-Up Google Sheet Elizabeth sent out earlier.


• Fire Drill, 4/16 @9:25 – I’m taking advantage of a couple classes being gone on a field trip to have our fire drill at a different time. The April Fire Dill on Thursday, April 16 at 9:25. 1st grade will be lined up outside already at the end of their recess and by the time the drill is over, 2nd and 3rd graders can just go straight to their 9:30 recess. Linked here is a copy of the Building Evacuation Map and the Fire Drill Line-Up Map. We’ll reschedule if we get rained out, but right now the forecast looks good.


• Fire Drill Reminder, Close Doors – Several classroom doors were left open during the last fire drill, so remember to close them this time around. Keeping the doors closed helps prevent a fire from spreading.


• Scholastic Book Fair Opens, 4/19 – Watch for details from the PTO and Robbie about hours and preview scheduling, but the Book Fair will open on Friday, April 19th and will also be open during the School Carnival. The Book Fair will run through Thursday, April 25th.


• Sheldon Mama Mia Performance, 4/19 – The Sheldon High School Drama Department will perform an abbreviated version of their current musical, Mama Mia, on Friday, April 19th. The time is TBA, but we will share it with staff once Sheldon staff confirm. It’s tentatively at 1:15.


• Holt PTO School Carnival, 4/19, 5:30-7:30 – The Holt PTO has been hard at work on this year’s annual School Carnival. It will be Friday, April 19th from 5:30-7:30 in the cafeteria, gym, and playground. They’ll have games, food carts, the car bash, and this year are adding a silent auction. Remind your class and get them pumped to attend!


• Earth Day, 4/22 – If you missed it in the Eco Experience newsletter, Earth Day is Monday, April 22 and they shared a number of resources, including the and the 4J Elementary Earth Day Resource Page, which includes classroom presentations on various topics by Eco Chick, so sign up now!

And few other fun resources:
Subject to Climate Earth Day Resource Guide
Earth Reminder: Earth Day Activities
Nat Geo Kids: Earth Day
ACT now Climate Action Super Heroes


• Cafeteria Sign In Help – A few notes from Kim for lunchtime:

• Thank you to everyone helping out as kids learn their number and input them into the system.
• Teachers – for your 5-minute time in the cafeteria, please continue helping kids through the line / salad bar.
• Teachers – one teacher should help students at the computer (next to Deb.) This doubles our ability to get kids through the line.
• K-1-2 – Popsicle sticks will be in your mailing boxes on Monday morning. They include your student name, barcode, and an identification system to help Kim sort them at the end of lunch for the day. You will pick these up each morning. NOTE: the system requires Deb to pick up the scanner gun and click it to read the barcode, so:
• Prepare students to hand the stick to Deb who will scan it and keep it.
• If one teacher could assist with scanning, that would be helpful

Thanks everyone!


• Wash Your Hands! – Remind kids to regularly wash their hands. We had quite a few stomach bug issues last week and I do not want to end the year having to follow norovirus protocols.


• Elementary Assistant Principal Pool – I’m still hoping we get to post a Holt specific position where me and staff can holt interviews and have say who is hired, but an Elementary Assistant Principal Pool went up over spring break if you know of anyone good out there you might tell them to apply.


• No Food on Playground – I’m going to announce this at Monday Zoom Announcements, but remind kids that they may ONLY eat food on the curb (AM recess only) and not at hard play or soft play or anywhere else. If kids are caught eating food anywhere else or at lunch recess, they will have to sit on the curb the rest of that recess. There’s been a lot of litter and food waste scattered around the playground lately.


• All Visitors Through Main Entrance – A staff member or student let an adult visitor in via the Calvin St. side entrance last week.  Remember, all visitors must enter the building through the front office so they can sign in through the Raptor system, which cross references visitors with multiple criminal background sites. If someone is trying to enter through another entrance, do not open the door, but point them in the direction of the office. The also applies to district staff, who are also supposed to sign in through the office before entering the building.  It was just a visitor from Holt International last week, so no real threat, but it’s not something we should do in the future.


• PTO Updates – If you’re interested, linked here is the PTO Meeting Slideshow and PTO President Notes from last week’s meeting.


• Proposed 24-25 Calendar – The school board last week took a first look at a Proposed Two-Year Calendar for 24-25 and 25-26. Staff gave feedback on the initial draft and they made some changes, which I feel some are good and some are bad:

GOOD: Conferences 2 Days – They made conferences 2 days again and the Wednesday of Thanksgiving is simply a non-contract day.
GOOD: Transition and Midterm Grading Days – These didn’t really make sense for elementary since kids don’t transition and teachers don’t do mid-term grades. Transition days were eliminated and the Midterm Grading days are now half PD and half Midterm Grading, which for elementary I’m guessing means half PD and half prep. In my opinion, they should movie the April 18 Midterm Grading/PD day to Monday, March 31 after the break.
BAD: No Prep Day after Spring Break – This wasn’t on the draft calendar either, but there has almost always been a PD and/or Planning Day after spring break.
BAD: Mon. & Tues Last Day of School – Probably lots of absences these days and not sure how productive of days they will be.
BAD: June 1/2 Day Grading Day – They moved the grading day from falling after the last day of school, but it’s now a half day instead of a full day and it’s also on the Friday before the last Monday and Tuesday, which doesn’t seem nearly enough time to get report cards written and prepped, unless they are planning on mailing them again.


• April Heart of Teaching Newsletter – Linked here is the April The Heart of Teaching, which has info on the Math Adoption, April 1st PD Slides, Social Studies PD opportunities, Info about workbook ordering for Fundations next year, and much more from PE, TAG, Health, Library, and other subjects.


•Repeats & Reminders – See prior announcements for details:

• EEF Grants Open 4/8EEF Grants are opening soon. They have not announced a deadline for applications, but usually, it’s about a month-long window. EEF prioritizes grants that focus on Enrichment (ex. STEM, arts, experimental learning), Ready to Learn (ex. literacy, SEL, accessibility solutions), and Pathways (ex. CTE, SPED, TAG). The application link is not live yet, but linked here is a PDF I made of the form from earlier this year.

Schools can submit as many grants as they want, so feel free to start writing! I saved a PDF version of Last Year’s EEF Grant Application if you want to start now. And remember that AI (MagicSchool.AI and ChatGPT) can save time doing a lot of the writing for you!

• Multi-Factor Authentication Starts This Week – See the MFA Email about how to set up your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Principals has had to do this since February, so let me know if you need any help setting this up. And if you were wondering what the “Hardware Key” is, for people do not install the authenticator app, it’s a USB drive you’ll have to insert into your computer each time you log onto your email. Rob said the switchover will probably happen Tuesday Night or Wednesday Morning and he’ll be at Holt Wednesday morning if anyone needs help.


• 100+ Philosophical Questions to Enrich Classroom Discussions and Boost Critical Thinking – This Educators Technology Article caught my eye in the April Ed Tech Update. It’s a great set of questions to prompt interesting class discussions, such as:

• Should You Always Tell the Truth?
• What Makes You Grow Older?
• Is Seeing Believing?
• Can You Be Brave and Scared at the Same Time?
• Can You Control Your Emotions?


• HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHT: Buddies – This week’s highlight from the Holt Staff Handbook, is on Buddies:

Each year classes from different grade levels are matched as buddy classes. This goes along with our Caring for Kids (Caring School Community) curriculum. Once classes are matched, it is up to them to determine when to meet and what activities do. The goal is for classes to meet at least once a month, but you are welcome to meet more frequently if you and your buddy wish. You also may use ideas from Caring for Kids (Caring School Community) Cross Grade Book and/or do whatever works best for your classrooms and buddies.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

April 8 (M)
SPED/Inst. Coach Staff Room Duty
Electronics Recycling Competition Drop-Off Week
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
7:30, Allan Monthly Meeting w/Jeff Johnson (Office)
9:00-10;30, Allan to 4J BAT Meeting (Zoom)
10:30-12:15, Partial Eclipse
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem. Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)

April 9 (T)
Library Worker’s Day
Talent Show Application Due
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room
8:10-12:10, Data Team Meeting K-5 (Old Counseling Office)
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, PBIS/SEL Meeting (Calming Room)
6:30-7:30, 3rd Grade Cultural Heritage Night (Gym & Cafeteria)

April 10 (W)
7:30, Allan to 4J MAPS Meeting (Zoom)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – OSAS Science & Accommodations PD (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
3:00-8:00, Holt Night Out – Bangers & Brews

April 11 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)
5:30-6:30, Accessible Education Parent Group (Library)

April 12 (F)
No School – Mid-Term Grading Day
8:30-11:30, EA Pathways PD
4:30-6:30, Allan to 4J BIPOC Staff Affinity Meeting

April 15 (M)
Office/PE/Music Staff Room Duty
Volunteer Appreciation Week
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
2:40, Talent Show Auditions (Reich’s Room)
3:30-5:00, Allan to All Admin Meeting (Ed Center)

April 16 (T)
9:00-1:00, 4th UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History, Reich & Longoria
9:25, Fire Drill
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:40, Talent Show Auditions (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

April 17 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – 4J Behavior Matrix (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

April 18 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00-1:00, 4th UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History, Benavides & Cobb
2:45, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
5:30-6:45, Kinder Reading Night (Classes & Cafeteria)

April 19 (F)
Scholastic Book Fair Opens
1:15 (tentative), Sheldon Mama Mia Assembly/Performance (Cafetetorium)
5:30-7:30, School Carnival (Gym, Cafeteria, Playground)


Just 2 months until summer!



April 1, 2024


Howdy Everyone,

Hope you have a good spring break. I mostly stayed around town, but did go to the coast for a few days and found a novelization of Shafts Big Score and Zardoz at a funky Lincoln City used bookstore, so that was $3 well spent. Also picked up the out-of-print autobiographies of Mary Pickford and Ingrid Bergman and a first edition of Myrna Loy’s autobiography. And if you don’t recognize those names, do I have some movie recommendations for you!

Twenty-one items of note for this week:

• Library Restored to Full-Time – The school board is requiring district admin to reinstate the 3 full-time librarians at the pilot schools, which means Robbie will be full-time again next school year instead of being part-time at Holt and part-time at Chinese Immersion.


• April 1 PD Info – Here’s all the info for the Monday, April 1 PD:

Classified Staff:
BBSAs – Join SSCs from 8:30-1:00 at Holt Library
Kinder & Gen Ed EAs – Gen Ed EAs are invited to join SPED EAs at a screening of “The R Word” a Churchill HS, 8:30-10:00, but can also assist with prep work on the sign-up sheet linked HERE.
SPED EAs – Attend either the Mental Health and Learning Strategies (registration is closed, so only if you already registered) or attend a screening of “The R Word” at Churchill HS, 8:30-10:00.
Title EAs – Join Title Coordinators from 8:30-1:00 at Chavez.

EAs can also use some of this time to complete Vector trainings and/or the Self-Assessments in TalentEd if you haven’t already.

Licensed Staff:
Classroom & Instructional Coaches – Howard, starting at 8:30 (Info Here)

Schedule for April 1 for Classroom Teachers & Coaches:
8:00 – Meet at your building and get into carpool groups.
8:20 – Arrive at Howard Elementary
8:30 – 9:50 – Session #1
9:50-10:05 – Break/Transition
10:05-11:25 – Session #2
11:25-11:40- Break/Transition
11:40-1:00 – Session #3
1:00-2:00 – Travel back to your building and lunch on your own
2:00-4:00 – Planning Time

Elementary Licensed Specialists – Various locations, starting at 8:30 (Info Here)


• EA Assistance April 1 Sign-Up – If teachers could use any help with prep or other tasks, add your name and the task to the EA Assistance Spreadsheet. EAs should also add your name to the tasks you’d be willing to take on.


• Title 1 EA Interviews, 4/1 @1:30 – Jackie, Jenny, Lisa and I are holding interviews on Monday at 1:30 if anyone is interested in volunteering their time to help. Let me know if you are interested and I will email the interview materials.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, TUESDAY – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Student Support Team (SST) Meeting 4/1 – The April SST meeting will be on Tuesday, April 2nd, where the team will screen potential referrals for SPED evaluations and for SST members to do a monthly check-in on students currently in the evaluation process. Use the Request for Student / Classroom Support Form to make a referral to the team. An agenda will be emailed to teachers needing to attend the meeting.


• Wednesday PD: Equity & Inclusion – Wednesday at 1:30 in the library will be the Equity & Inclusion Team’s follow-up to last month’s PD.


• Spirit Assembly 4/5 @8:20 – The April School Spirit Assembly is on Friday, April 5th in the gym. The assembly will start at 8:20, but all classes should be in the gym by 8:15. Stay tuned for details!


• Electronics Recycling Competition Drop-Off Week – Remind students and get them pumped for the annual BRING Recycling Electronics Recycling Competition. They can drop off old electronics (Anything with a plug or that takes batteries. Cell phones, monitors, computers, phones, cables, etc. They’ll take it all!) at NextStep (245 Jackson St. now until April 30 (making sure they tell them it’s for Holt) or drop them off at the collection site in front of the office the week of April 8 – 12. The school with the most “e-waste” collected wins a $500 gift certificate and a Next Step Robot made by a local artist.


• Solar Eclipse April 8th at 10:30 – We get a rare opportunity to observe a solar eclipse (it’s actually a partial eclipse) during school hours on Monday, April 8, starting at 10:30, peaking at 11:20 or 11:30, and ending at 12:15. Linked here are Directions for Making a Solar Eclipse Viewer and some notes about Eye Safety During an Eclipse.


• Data Team Meeting K-5, 4/9 – We’ll hold grade-level Data Team Meetings this day with roving subs. Watch for details coming soon from Carla.


• Wednesday PD: Science OSAS & Accommodations – Wednesday at 1:30 in the library we’ll review the Science standards and assessment, as well as go over how to input student accommodations into TIDE.


• ​Holt Night Out, Bangers & Brews, 4/10 – Wednesday, April 10th is a Holt Night Out at Bangers & Brews! ​Remind kids to stop by Bangers & Brews at 2506 Willakenzie Road, across from Sheldon High School, between 3:00-8:00 pm, and just mention Holt when ordering for our school to get a percentage of all sales.


• Accessible Education Parent Group, 4/11 @5:30 – Emily and Carla have started up an Accessible Education Parent Group to give families of students with IEPs voice and support, which will meet for the first time on April 11 at 5:30 in the library.


• Midterm Grading Day, 4/12 – This is a non-student day and the expectation from downtown is staff are to report to the building and be available to colleagues on this day. For classroom teachers, 3.75 hours is dedicated to ELA planning and 3.75 hours is for “Strategic Family Outreach.” Downtown hasn’t given guidance on what this outreach is supposed to be, but I’d suggest using this time to call, email, or text families you need to connect with for various reasons; improvements, progress, and/or struggles with attendance, academics, behavior, relationships, etc.


• EEF Grants Open 4/8EEF Grants are opening soon. They have not announced a deadline for applications, but usually, it’s about a month-long window. EEF prioritizes grants that focus on Enrichment (ex. STEM, arts, experimental learning), Ready to Learn (ex. literacy, SEL, accessibility solutions), and Pathways (ex. CTE, SPED, TAG). The application link is not live yet, but linked here is a PDF I made of the form from earlier this year.

Schools can submit as many grants as they want, so feel free to start writing! I saved a PDF version of Last Year’s EEF Grant Application if you want to start now. And remember that AI (MagicSchool.AI and ChatGPT) can save time doing a lot of the writing for you!


• Penny War Results – This was announced over the PA, but here are the final results of the Penny War:


• Vanilla Crunchies in Workrooms – I signed Holt up for the free cereal program offered by Food for Lane County, where schools can get free cereal snack packages of Vanilla Crunches to give students. There are two boxes in each of the workrooms, so feel free to grab what you want for your classrooms (specialists too). I remembered the boxes being larger, so I only ordered four, but for our April order, I’ll order a lot more.


• 6th Place on Walker Tracker Challenge – Did you see Holt got 6th place on the Walker Tracker Challenge out of 60 teams? We’re moving up the ranks! Download the app and start tracking your daily steps to help the Holt team with the next challenge!


• HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHT: Cafeteria Expectations – This week’s highlight from the Holt Staff Handbook, is on Cafeteria Expectations:

Cafeteria Expectations:
Staff members will supervise students while entering the cafeteria, walking them along the stage or the window side. Do not release students at the doors. Grade levels sharing lunch periods may employ other structures to help the flow (example: 2 classes use the stage side & 2 other classes use the window side). Staff is expected to supervise for 5 minutes following the official start of the lunch period, or until their students are settled.

I would add, now that we are having students enter Lunch PINs, for teachers to help students enter their numbers until they have it down. 


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

April 1 (M)
April Fool’s Day!
No School – Professional Development/Planning Day
8:00 – 1:00, PD Sessions (Various Locations)
1:30, Title 1 EA Interviews
2:00-4:00 – Planning Time

April 2 (T)
Classes Resume
3rd Grade Staff Room Duty
K-3 Clay Artist in Residence Continues
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings
2:45-3:30, SST Meeting (Calming Room)

April 3 (W)
Monthly Walk+Roll to School Day
10:40, 4th Grade Storyteller
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Equity & Inclusion Team (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00-9:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

April 4 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
2:45, Equity & Inclusion Team Meeting, Rob Hess attending (Kelsey’s Room)
5:00-6:00, Site Council (Library)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library & Zoom)

April 5 (F)
Holt Spirit Day – Sports Day
8:20-8:40, School Spirit Assembly (Gym)
9:30-1:30, 3rd Grade Eugene Science Center Field Trip

April 8 (M)
SPED/Inst. Coach Staff Room Duty
Electronics Recycling Competition Drop-Off Week
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
7:30, Allan Monthly Meeting w/Jeff Johnson (Office)
9:00-10;30, Allan to 4J BAT Meeting (Zoom)
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem. Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)

April 9 (T)
Talent Show Application Due
Birthday Drinks & Goodies in Staff Room
Data Team Meeting K-5
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, PBIS/SEL Meeting (Calming Room)
6:30-7:30, 3rd Grade Cultural Heritage Night (Gym & Cafeteria)

April 10 (W)
Holt Night Out – Bangers & Brews
7:30, Allan to 4J MAPS Meeting (Zoom)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – OSAS Science & Accommodations PD (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run

April 11 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
2:45-3:30, Staff Meeting (Volunteer’s Room)
5:30-6:30, Accessible Education Parent Group (Library)

April 12 (F)
No School – Mid-Term Grading Day
8:30-11:30, EA Pathways PD
4;30-6:30, Allan to 4J BIPOC Staff Affinity Meeting


Aren’t we lucky this year that April Fool’s Day doesn’t fall on a school day?



March 18, 2024

Hello Everyone,

Just 5 days until Spring Break!

Sixteen items of note for this week:

• Erin’s Law & Second Step Child Safety Unit, Lesson #5 – All classroom teachers should use the Second Step Child Protection Unit to meet the state Erin’s Law requirements. For each grade level, there are six lessons, which are to be covered at three points in the school year, with Lessons 1-4 in the fall, lesson 5 right before spring break, and lesson 6 right before summer break. 4J purchased only one kit per grade level, but linked here are Child Protection Unit Scans of the teacher guides if that makes things easier.


• PTO Penny War Begins, MONDAY – The PTO is trying a penny war fundraiser. Grades will compete against each other and the winning grade will receive a popcorn party!

1. All grades will have a separate jar and placed in the hallway by the front office.
2. There will be a Rainbow tracker with Leprechauns racing to the pot of gold in the hallway to let grades know where they stand after each count.
3. Money will be counted daily and points updated.
4. All money must be placed in the designated jars by 8am on Friday, March 22 to allow for a final count and announcement of winner. Popcorn party will be awarded to the winning grade that afternoon, prior to the end of school day.

Earn (+) points: Place pennies and dollar bills in your grade’s jar to earn points for your grade:

Penny = +1
$1 bill = +100
$5 bill = +500
$10 bill = +1000
$20 bill = +2000

Lose (-) points: Place silver coins (nickel, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and silver dollars) in other grades’ jars to make them lose points:

Nickel = -5
Dime = -10
Quarter = -25
Half Dollar = -50
Silver Dollar = -100


• Girls on the Run Begins, MONDAY – Girls on the Run begins this week, and will be on Mondays (2:30-4:00) and Wednesdays (1:30-3:00), ending May 27th. See the linked Holt Girls on the Run Info for details.


• Music Dress Rehearsal, MONDAY & TUESDAY – Monday and Tuesday from 1:00-1:45 will be the music performance rehearsal. Monday is for 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade and Tuesday is for KG, 3rd, and 5th grade (5th will be at recess until 12:05). This falls right in the middle of kinder and 1st grade music times, so teachers missing your regular music can take your kids out to the playground for a 30-minute recess during your regular music time instead. See Ashley’s Email for details.


• Grade Level Team Meetings, TUESDAY – The first two Tuesdays of the month on non-Staff Meeting weeks are dedicated Grade Level Team Meeting times. Teams should:

• Meet in their wing so specialists can connect if needed
• Take care of any needed team business
• Complete the Team Meeting Minutes Form (make a copy) and email it to

The Team Meeting Minutes Form can also be found on the Holt Staff Dashboard.


• Wed. PD: – 24-25 Staffing Plan Announcement & Team Collaboration Time – Wednesday at 1:30 in the library I will announce the 24-25 Staffing Plan I’ve submitted to HR. Following the announcement will be grade-level collaboration time.


• CORRECTION: Holt Spirit Day – Sports Day, FRIDAY – This Friday is a Holt Spirit Day and this time it’s Sports Day! Wear your favorite team gear, sports gear, or simply wear your Holt spirit gear. Movie nerd point to anyone who knows the movie reference to what I’ll be wearing below:

• April 1 PD for SPED EAs – SSD has scheduled PD for SPED EAs at Churchill High School Auditorium, 8:30-10:00, showing the film “R Word.” The “R-Word” unravels the history and lasting effect of this word, ultimately making the case for why the conversation surrounding people with intellectual and developmental disabilities needs to change. When not in the “R Word” showing, please finish your vector trainings.


• Links for April 1 PD Day – Please review the session offerings here and sign up for your top 3 choices here. All other licensed staff: Please review your PD plan for April 1st here.

Classroom EAs will not have PD this day, but Title EAs, SPED EAs, and BBSAs will have a job-alike meeting.


• EA Assistance April 1 Sign-Up – If teachers could use any help with prep or other tasks, add your name and the task to the EA Assistance Spreadsheet. EAs should also add your name to the tasks you’d be willing to take on.


• Title 1 EA Interviews, 4/1 @1:30 – Jenny and I are holding interviews on Monday, April 1st at 1:30 if anyone is interested in volunteering their time to help with interviews. Let me know if you are interested and I will email the interview materials.


• Spirit Assembly 4/5 @8:20 – The April School Spirit Assembly is on Friday, April 5th in the gym. The assembly will start at 8:20, but all classes should be in the gym by 8:15. Stay tuned for details!


• 4J Grow Your Own Program – Application is NOW OPEN!  The application window is from March 1, 2024 – April 5, 2024. To learn more about the Grow Your Own Program and 4J’s commitment to providing pathways to licensure please visit the Grow Your Own webpage by clicking HERE. To apply for the Grow Your Own program click HERE. If you have any questions you can reach out to: Chemika S. Bolden


• Lightspeed Flexmike Mute Button DamageThe Tech Department is seeing a spike in tickets about damaged Lightspeed Flexmike mute buttons, so they asked principals to forward the linked Email and Microphone Quick Start Guide. The short version is on the top of the Flexmike there is a small white button that is technically labeled as a Power button but in reality, the Flexmike doesn’t need to be powered on and off. This button should be thought of and used as the Mute/Unmute button.


• New Walker Tracker Challenge – “Put Some Spring Into Your Steps” challenge in the Walker Tracker app for a chance for our team to walk away with $300 or, for the four highest stepping individuals, an annual Oregon State Parks pass. The goal is for each individual on a team is to reach 49,000 steps (or 7,000 each day). Three teams also can win a $300 prize by accumulating:

1. Most steps through walking or physical activities.
2. Highest average steps through walking or physical activities.
3. Most picture points through uploading photos into the app that capture the spirit of spring. Teams receive one point for each photo that includes at least one team member, and three points for each photo with three or more team members.


•Schedule of Upcoming Events – See the Holt Staff Calendar for future events, but here are the events of note for the next two weeks:

March 17 (M)
St Patrick’s Day

March 18 (M)
K-3 Clay Artist in Residence Continues
5th Grade Staff Room Duty
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
1:00-1:45, Music Dress Rehearsal – 1st, 2nd, 4th (Cafeteria)
2:30-4:00, Girls on the Run
3:30-5:30, Allan to Elem. Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)

March 19 (T)
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
11:00-12:00, 4th School Garden Lesson
1:00-1:45, Music Dress Rehearsal – KG, 3rd, 5th (Cafeteria)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings
5:00, PERS OPSRP (Tier 3) Info Session
5:30, Feed Hope Food Box Prep (Gym)
6:00, 5th Grade Outdoor School Parent Night (Library)

March 20 (W)
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – 24-25 Staffing Plan Decision & Team Collaboration Time (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
1:40, Allan & SPED Team Meeting w/Seth & Jeff
3:30, Allan to Admin Mentor Meeting
6:00, 1/2/4 Music Performance (Cafeteria)
7:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

March 21 (H)
Building Staffing Plans DUE
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
2:45-3:30, Leadership Meeting (Kelsey’s Room)
6:00, K/3/5 Music Performance (Cafeteria)

March 22 (F)
Regular Day

March 25-29
Spring Break

April 1 (M)
April Fool’s Day!
No School – Professional Development/Planning Day

8:00 – Meet at your building and get into carpool groups.
8:20 – Arrive at Howard Elementary
8:30 – 9:50 – Session #1
9:50-10:05 – Break/Transition
10:05-11:25 – Session #2
11:25-11:40- Break/Transition
11:40-1:00 – Session #3
1:00-2:00 – Travel back to your building and lunch on your own
1:30, Title 1 EA Interviews
2:00-4:00 – Planning Time

April 2 (T)
Classes Resume
3rd Grade Staff Room Duty
K-3 Clay Artist in Residence Continues
8:00, Morning Announcements (Zoom) Pledge Sign-Up
10:15, Student Council (Reich’s Room)
2:45-3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings
2:45-3:30, SST Meeting (Calming Room)

April 3 (W)
Monthly Walk+Roll to School Day
10:40, 4th Grade Storyteller
1:30-2:30, Wed. PD – Equity & Inclusion Team (Library)
1:30-3:00, Girls on the Run
7:00-9:00, School Board Meeting (Zoom)

April 4 (H)
8:50-10:35, Book Nook (Cafeteria)
9:00, Safety Committee Meeting (Office)
2:45, Equity & Inclusion Team Meeting, Rob Hess attending (Kelsey’s Room)
5:00-6:00, Site Council (Library)
6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library & Zoom)

April 5 (F)
Holt Spirit Day – Sports Day
8:20-8:40, School Spirit Assembly (Gym)
9:30-1:30, 3rd Grade Eugene Science Center Field Trip


It’s practically just two months until summer!
